
Unkindness and Vengeance

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Noire Laine     A lonely man and our main character. Has an affliction for ravens. His eyes are completely black, which causes problems for him. Late 30's.

Hydras:           Snarky and sarcastic, he has a short temper and has a sadistic streak. Causes problems for Noire at a constant. Secretly villainous. Looks around late 20's, thousands of years old in actuality.

Grim:         A large raven who finds a liking to Noire.

Suraya:         Noire's housemate. She's a Geiko in uptown Kyoto. Hot temper, but easily alleviated. Hydras' beloved. Early 20's.

Ravens:   Miscellaneous characters throughout the story.

Act I:
Starts off with a dim light. A figure of a man is standing center-stage holding a baby. There's a woman standing with him, holding his arm lovingly with sharp talons for hands and feathered forearms. The music in the background is light and happy, almost dream-like, and the two are laughing. Suddenly, the light blares like fire and the music becomes screams of agony, surrounded by the sound of crackling fire, like a burning building.

Curtains close.

They reopen to the man, alone on a park bench, feeding a flock of ravens. His head is bowed low, concealing his face.  It is quiet and all that can be heard is the cawing of ravens in the distance. The light is dim and grey.

Noire: (Addressing ravens, his voice is melancholy and low) Eat up, friends. Winter is here and the cold will chill you to the bone.

He stands, dusting his hands of the grain and walks to the left slowly, then stops. He stares at the sky.

(Exit ravens)

Noire:  Everything is worse in the wintertime, especially December. I remember, now. (His tone becomes stronger, but sadder) How long have I been alone?

He holds his chest, staring down sadly at his hand. He turns around and walks in the opposite direction.

As he walks toward the bench, he slows his pace until he stops to sit back down.

Noire: (Sad and rough) Oh, who am I kidding. They're dead now! I have no one. No home, no family… All I am left to his a heart full of pain.

His head sinks into his hands and he groans softly.

Act II

Curtains open to the soft sound of an alarm clock. The scene is a living room, dark and very messy. Clothes are scattered about the floor, save for a coat hanging upon a lamp beside the sofa. There is a door to stage right into a kitchen, where we see Suraya fidgeting about. Noire is laying on the sofa, half-covered by a sheet and still fully clothed. He appears to be sleeping.

Suraya: (Loud and slightly irritated) Noire! I know you're not asleep! Shut that stupid alarm clock off and help me with breakfast!

Noire shifts on the couch and sits up easily, scratching his head. He looks restless.

Noire: (Lazily, but not slurred) My apologies. (Shuts the alarm clock off and stands, stretching only briefly before walking over to grab his coat. He stumbles slightly over an article of clothing on the floor. Pulls his coat on, almost monotonously.)

Suraya: (Hushed, but angrily. Mumbled) Some men, I tell you! He's so lucky I don't use that room much.

Noire enters the kitchen, letting the door swing shut behind him. Suraya turns to him, her expression less than amused, and sighs. Her expression changes from angry to a sympathetic smile.

Noire looks at Suraya silently before busying himself with the dishes.

Suraya looks displeased again.

Suraya: (in a sigh, turning to her work again) You know… You either look really sad all he time or you look like nothing at all.

Noire: (peers over his shoulder, gruffly) And you always act like you need to save the world. (scoffs)

Suraya: (looks at him suspiciously, but continues cooking.) Touche. Anyway, when are you going to get a job? It's been two months, already.

Noire: (stops working and looks at her again, but turns away quickly.) I've already tried. People won't hire me because I look like a demon.

Suraya: (turns the heat off on the stove and slams the pan angrily onto the table, making Noire jump, growling angrily) You lazy bum! Why aren't you doing anything about it!? Where do you go all day!?

Noire: (stares at Suraya, slowly recovering from the flinch. Tone apologetic and sorrowful.) I'm sorry... I should go, then. (He turns to walk out)

Suraya: (Looks as if she's broken something and moves toward him. She takes his arm gently, but grips tight. Her tone is apologetic as well.) I'm sorry, Noire. Don't go, now! You've nowhere else to go! I didn't mean to be nasty. It's just... (She draws back and laces her fingers across her chest.) I've been a little stressed, y'know? It's... well. (her tone becomes giddy and childish) You know.

Noire: (He turns to Suraya and stares at her protectively, eyes narrowing. His tone is stern.) It's him again? What did he do, now?

Suraya: (Startled slightly by his reaction, but understanding.) Oh, you. He's my boyfriend! You shouldn't be so worried. (She turns her back to him, walking away playfully)

Noire: (Worried, with a sigh)  Suraya. Not everyone's boyfriend is a blue-skinned, blank-eyed, horned beast who adorns himself like a war general. Besides... (He turns his back to her again, his shoulders lowered.)  I dislike him. He gives me a bad feeling.

Suraya turns to him and smiles.

Suraya: (Cheerily) Maybe you should go for a walk again. You're far too uptight about him and you need a break from here anyway. (She moves the pan in front of Noire) Now, eat up! You have no money to spend and I can't clean the house with you loafing about like a lazy bear. Hydras is coming over today and I need to make a good impression. (She turns away again, moving across the kitchen to the dishes.) Oh! And I won't be here when you get back. I have work at the okiya tonight.

Noire sits at the table and looks up at Suraya. He gives her a solemn nod of acceptance and begins to eat.

Curtains close.

Curtains open. It is clearly dark out and the only lights are dim street-lights (spotlights) lighting an alleyway in the city of Kyoto. Noire moves through the streets into a bar on stage right. He makes his way through the room and sits at the bar. His face is clear save for his eyes, which are covered by a pair of dark sunglasses.

Bartender: (walks over to Noire, whistling a happy tune.) Ah! Another frequent. I 'spose it'll be the usual?

Noire nods in response and the bartender slides a full glass of whiskey over to him. Noire sips at it tentatively before taking a big gulp.

Two men in the far corner of the room take note of Noire. One man leans in close to the other, whispering harshly.

Man 1: I heard he has eyes like a raven! That's why he wears them glasses.

Man 2: (Clearly uninterested and in complete disbelief, he speaks louder than his comrade) Ah, phooey! Men don't have eyes that dark. (He waves his hand dismissively) It's just some stupid little rumor to get rid of some of the frequents. He's just another one of us drunks.

Man 1: (Clearly unnerved by Man 2's loudness, tries to lower the other man's tone.) Shhhhhh! He might hear ya!

The two men looked at Noire, Man 2 with the face of skepticism. Noire downed another glass and put it down onto the bar. He acknowledges their presence, but keeps to himself. Man 1 looks back at Man 2 and pulls him close.

Man 1: (whispering harshly again) I swear I saw him take out two guys from the gym next door! You gotta believe me!

Man 2 looks Man 1 straight in the eye suspiciously and scoffs.

Man 2: (Sarcastically) I'm so scared! The girly man with the raven eyes and dripping mascara is going to eat me! Bleh! If you're so scared, maybe I should throw you at him.

Man 1: (He frowns and panics slightly before being hit in the head by Man 2) You're a jerk! (He jumps as he realizes Noire has sent him a dirty look through his sunglasses.)

The light fades to black and the scene changes to outside the bar. Noire stumbles out of the front door, grabbing a tree for support before he falls. He sways, clearly drunk. The clock strikes eleven and Noire jumps a little from the sudden chime. He steadies himself and begins to walk towards center stage, when an ominous chuckling echoes from offstage. Noire jumps backward slightly, stumbling.

A menacingly tall man, adorned with long horns on his head, enters from stage left. A light shines on his silhouette.

Hydras: (Taunting and low, his voice sounds as amused as his chuckle) Half in the bag already? Tsk, tsk! How sad... (He wags his finger to mock him, his long nails clearly visible. The spotlight shines and both men can clearly be seen.) Suraya wouldn't be happy if she knew the true nature of your... "quiet, evening strolls."

Noire: (Straightens up to seem more presentable, swaying slightly. His face is stern) I want nothing to do with your madness. (He sways backward slightly, but catches himself.)

Hydras gives a loud, obnoxious laughter that rings through the walls that startles Noire.

Hydras: (Taunting and cocky, a smirk spreads across his lips. He begins to walk toward Noire.) You insolent fool. You're more of a mess than I first thought! You're the one who's mad here, by the way. Who said I want anything to do with a little wretch like you? (Cooing, he bends forward with his hands on his knees, face-to-face with Noire.) I just came to see how the poor baby was doing. Poor little thing got wasted. (He stood again, his smirk spreading to become a wide grin that shows a mouth full of pointed, shark-like teeth.)

Noire: (Spits at Hydras and growls. His tone loud and agonized) I've had ENOUGH! (He swings his arm outward) Begone with you!

Hydras easily dodges his strike by stepping to the side slightly.

Hydras: (Dull and unamused) Your insolence disgusts me. Who says begone anymore? (He turns around; acting disgusted, and walks away with his hands in his pockets) You bore me. (A yawn.) So much for cheap amusement. Your petty self has become tiresome.

Exit Hydras, stage left.

Noire, now enraged, cried out in anger and punches a nearby tree. He sinks to his knees heavily and quickly, holding his face.


Curtains open.

The stage is dim and Noire is stumbling blindly across the stage to his sofa. He sinks face-first into the cushions, throwing his coat onto the nearby coffee table. He lays motionless for a few moments in quiet.

Suraya bursts into the house, slamming the door open and stomping over to the couch. She's wearing her Geiko kimono, but her hair is disheveled with rage. She stands there for a few moments, waiting for Noire to respond, tapping her foot. After a few moments, she growls in frustration and stomps over to the door, slamming it shut, then stomping back toward the sofa to make as much noise as possible.

Noire jumps up, seeming to have sobered up a bit, and holds his head. Suraya puts her hands to her hips, stomping her foot harder as Noire looks up to meet her face.

Suraya: (Loudly, with teeth gritted) So... All of the nights you spend here and THIS is how you repay me!? (Throws her hands into the air.) What ARE you THINKING?! AUGH!! How long has this been going on?!

Noire: (his head lowers in shame and he looks back up at her. His voice tired and raspy.) So this is it? He told you didn't he? (He stands, desperate for forgiveness)

Suraya: (Angrily pacing the whole stage, pulling her hair down) Noire, I've housed you. No rent, free food and even a built in maid service and now I learn that you're just some lazy drunk! I even cared for you when you caught the flu!

Noire: (flinches at the word 'drunk' and hangs his head) I can't blame anyone else but myself...

Suraya: (Pulls her hair a little and turns to him harshly) Oh, I suppose you're going to apologize now?! (She stomps up to him and gets in his face, staring him down.)

Noire opens his mouth to speak, but is interrupted by a loud knock at the door. Suraya rushes to the door and greets Hydras.

Hydras: (Innocently, and acting oblivious, he takes Suraya's hand) Oh, my little dove! You look as if your feathers have been ruffled up. Have I upset you somehow, dearest? (He flashes a grin at Noire)

Noire, threatened by Hydras' presence, straightens his stance to face him off.

Suraya: (Flattered, but still "ruffled", she crosses her arms. Haughtily, she scoffs.) Don't act dumb, Hydras. You know what's up. Thank goodness you found him before something happened.

Noire: (Gives a deep growl, angered by Hydras' coy attitude.) You wretch! How dare you act as an innocent in this!

Suraya: (Taken aback by Noire's comment, surprised) Noire! Stop that, now! Neither of you should be instigating anything tonight.

Hydras: (Pretending to be offended, takes a small step back.) Oh! I've never been called a wretch before! (He grins and his demeanor turns more sadistic) It's not my fault you lost everything!

Noire: (Sputters slightly and becomes angrier, his eyes widen.) Watch yourself, now... If I hear... One. More. Thing...

Suraya: (Confused and desperate to find a solution, she moves between the two men.) Easy, fellas. Not here, not now, not ever. (She shoots Hydras a skeptical look.)

Noire: (Growls again) Ah! So you need a woman to defend you, you coward? (Clenches his fists and leans toward him)  You're spineless!

Hydras: (Laughs deeply, making Suraya give him a warning look) At least I have a woman to defend me!

Noire snaps into a fit of rage. He moves quickly toward Hydras only to be held backward by Suraya, who has trouble keeping him back. Despite her pleas to stop, he struggles harder. Hydras laughs and it rings throughout the room. Suddenly, Noire breaks free and slams his fist into Hydras' face. Hydras' laugh stops abruptly and he stumbles backward slightly. He holds his cheek in shock.

Suraya, angered, grabs Noire by the collar of his shirt. She pulls his face close to her own and snarls.

Suraya: (Hissing) I've had enough of this... Get out of here before you start a war.

Noire: (Shoves her off, backing away and grabbing his coat.) Don't expect me to come back! I can no longer stand to be reminded of my losses!

Noire turns his back to them and stomps out, slamming the door behind him.

Curtains close.

The curtains re-open and Noire is stumbling out of the bar. It is dark and the sound of rolling thunder can be heard in the distance. The bartender turns the sign to read "Closed" in the window. Noire moves away toward his park bench in center stage and lays down on it, pulling himself onto it drunkenly and shivering. He puts his face sorrowfully into his arms and coughs. The cawing of ravens breaks the silence.

The light turns to a dim grey, shining over center stage to signify morning. A raven enters from stage right. He is looking for food, wearily hobbling about, all around the bench, slowly. Noire, startled by the bird's presence, lifts his head to examine the bird. The raven moves toward Noire, sensing food. Noire sits up and reaches his hand into his pocket. The raven moves closer as Noire holds out a handful of birdseed.

Noire: (He beckons the bird, leaning forward more to make it easier for the raven. His voice is hushed and soft.) Come, now. I don't bite. The early bird always gets the worm, right?

The raven eats the grain heartily and stretches, cawing happily.

Noire: (He laughs a little, happy to see the bird has regained its strength. However, his joy disappears quickly, replaced with weariness.) Ravens certainly are the most beautiful birds. So resilient to their own harsh treatment. It must be that you know people fear you. The rumors of bad omen. You must like it?

The raven caws in response, moving onto the bench next to Noire.

Noire pets the raven, examining him. He feels his crest feathers, noticing their odd shape.

Noire: (Inquisitively, he tries to lighten his mood) Well, well. An interesting style you have. I've never met a raven with such class. I wonder... Do you have a name?

The raven responds with a puff of his feathers. He has become flattered. He caws, proud of himself.

Noire: (Leans backward, still petting his head) Ah? Grim is it? (He paused for a moment.) Fitting.

Grim caws and moves close and examines Noire's shoulder. Suddenly, he plucks an earring off of his ear and jumps backward. Noire, startled by the sudden action, jumps up again.

Noire: (Not offended, but surprised) Wha... What was that about?!

Before he could ask anymore, Grim flies away. Noire, though in shock, chases after him.

Act IV

Noire is jogging slightly through the woods. He has nearly given up looking for his new friend. He finally slows down, bending forward onto his knees and panting. He leans on a tree, recuperating. Caws can be heard in the distance and Noire rushes to find the source.

Noire: (Stops at a tree and peers up, panting, hands on his hips.) Grim! There you are. Now, enough of this silliness. Give me back my earring!

Grim caws in defiance and throws a pebble out of the nest, hitting Noire on the head.

Noire: (Rubbing head, peering up at him angrily.) Hey! I know you have an affliction for shiny objects but this is just too much. This is the fifth time this week and it's only Tuesday! I'm not even counting the other four weeks we've known each other! That's attatched you know!

Grim caws and tosses the earring down to Noire. Noire catches it and puts it back on, turning his back to the tree. He leans on the tree, sliding down until he falls onto his bottom. It becomes quiet, save for Grim's fidgeting in the nest.

Noire: (Sadly and wearily) Oh, Grim. You have no idea what it's been like for me these past few days. If I didn't have you around, I may have been dead a few weeks ago. I was so lonely and tired. I'm not as lonely, but I'm still restless. I can't sleep without having nightmares.

Grim cawed sadly from the nest, looking down at him.

Noire: (Lays his head into his knees. His mood is melancholy again.) Grim. I used to have a family. A wife and son... They were both so beautiful. Then... Then our house burned down. And they with it...

Grim cawed again from the nest. He seems to be fidgeting with a piece of paper.

Noire: (His head moved and he looked up at Grim) The only things I can remember have haunted me so. I can remember  the fire... It was blue. I don't know about that. (A small chuckle) Fire can't be blue. Other than that... (He trailed off, his face sinking back into his knees. He shuddered silently, a chill crawling up his spine.)(Spiteful, in a growl) That laugh. That damned laugh! It haunts me! That's why I hated that man... So alike, but not.

Grim gave a louder caw, startling Noire. Noire looked up again, staring up at Grim. He got up, moving up the tree until he met Grim's branch.

Grim is fidgeting with a broken eggshell, empty of life. He looks at Noire and gives it to him. Noire moves closer to Grim, peering over into his nest. He notices a small paper, which he picks up. It is half a photo of a baby. Grim caws and gives him the other half.

Noire, shaking, puts it together and gasps.

Noire: (drops the picture and covers his mouth) I... It's a picture! Of my son! How... How did you get this?

Grim caws and climbs down the tree. He flies offstage. Noire chases after him promptly, taking the picture with him.

Curtains close.

Curtains reopen to a scene in the middle of the woods. There is a house in center stage that has been burned to the ground and there are still scraps of furniture and other things that are intact, but badly seared.

Enter Noire and Grim.

Noire: (Looking around, he steps over what used to be a threshold. He examines a frame, and tosses it down. He looks at Grim, his tone in awe.) This was my house... My god, it's in such bad shape... (He turns to examine the sofa, dragging his hand along its soot-coated surface.)

Grim caws again and Noire looks in his direction. Grim is pushing at cluster of feathers. Noire rushes over to it. He sifts through the feathers sadly, a tear rolls down his cheek and he falls to his knees in front of the pile. Grim caws, pushing at his hand.

Noire: (grabs a cluster of feathers, stuffing them into his own face and inhaling deeply, holding back tears.) Alora... I miss you so much...

Grim caws again and then pulls at his coat. Noire opens his eyes again and looks down at Grim. In his beak, Grim is holding a fragment of a crystal. It glistens in the light. Noire picks up the shard and examines it.

Noire: This... looks so familiar...

Noire gets up and moves over to the couch. He sits down and stares at the feathers, the shard, and the picture of his son. He holds his head, placing the objects beside him.

Noire: (Shakily and softly) Grim... Why did you bring me here...? These memories... This house... They're all in the past. My family is gone.

Grim flew up beside him and cawed loudly.

Noire: (looks at him, jumping to sit up) What do you mean you've seen him...? You mean my son?

Another caw.

Noire got up to his feet, his back to the audience. The scene dims, the spotlight shining on Noire.

Noire: (turns to the audience)(hushed and severe, there's a tinge of joy in his tone.) Really... So you've seen him?

Grim caws and moves next to him again. Noire looks over at him, his face fully visible to the audience. He has a smirk on his face.

Noire: So... My long lost son is alive. I trust your word, Grim. Finally... I may get my revenge. Grim... I now realize who has done this to me. (He clenches the feathers in his hands tightly; a small chuckle escapes his throat.) I know this joy in my long-broken heart will not linger, but there's a glimmer of hope. (He holds up the shard, it glistens violently in the spotlight. His voice becomes deep and ominous, almost contemplating destruction)

Hydras... When your blood is spilled, I will finally remember the warmth of true joy.

The scene goes black and the sound of thousands of ravens, fluttering and calling, fills the air. The light shines again to reveal a road, with Noire walking along it, his coat waving in the wind. A rain of black feathers surrounds him.

This is a play I wrote for class. I apologize for any of the typos. xD; My word processor doesn't have a spell check and I can't skim-grammar-check. If you wish to correct anything, please do~!

Anywho, this is about my character, Noire Laine. He's all over my gallery. xD; I just... haven't posted much, yet. I need to get some GOOD pics. <3

You are free to critique. >3 I'm open!

All characters (c) Me (Except for Hydras)
Hydras (c) ~Goddess-of-BUTTSECKS
© 2010 - 2024 BritishMindslave
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